Welcome to 2015! It’s Never To Late to Say “Thank You.”

Thank You on Red Keyboard Button.

If your family is like ours, the end of 2014 was a blur of business, accounting, shopping and celebrations of the season with friends and family. Both coasts were visited, two sets of relatives enjoyed, and thousands of calories consumed! What didn’t happen for me was being able to thank everyone I wished for their many kindnesses, business, friendship and support.

This week several people I have spoken to have expressed similar regrets that they also left undone that thank you card, gift, phone call or visit. The demands of December were simply too much.

There is good news: It is never too late to communicate a heart-felt thank you in whatever way you choose. And, those who receive your good wishes, words and, perhaps, even that surprise January gift, will be delighted-wouldn’t you?

So, stop wasting a moment more on feeling guilty and go ahead and send that Happy New Year card, email or gift. Better yet, pick up the phone, old school style. (Hint: Start with your elderly relatives and unofficial “aunts” and “uncles.”) Sit down sometime this week and make a list of those you wish to connect with in some way before the end of January.

There are so many kindnesses to be grateful for that go unmentioned, remaining only in our hearts. Break the silence, reach out and say thank you in this brand new year you have been privileged to enter.

Happy New Year and blessings to all for a great 2015.

Dr. Bill


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