Author Archives: Dr. Bill

How to Reboot and Rebrand Your Career

The arrival of spring is also a strong signal that the year is rapidly moving along. We are reminded by the changing seasons that it is time to make good on the goals we set for ourselves in January. All too soon, the year will begin barreling to its end.

When it comes to career goals, the most common question I get from audience members and career clients these days is: “I feel stuck. How can I reboot my career? I know I am capable of so much more.” Some report they are increasingly being passed over, others say they feel lost and out of focus, not sure what to pursue during their career’s third quarter.  Maybe you can relate.

This short, eight minute, video is my answer.  It is entitled:  How to Reboot and Rebrand Your Career (and Stop Wandering in a Career Desert of Your Own Making.)  It explores:

  • The five most common career “fails.”
  • What you can do to differentiate yourself in any crowded field.
  • How to rebrand yourself professionally-whether you choose to stay in your current job, find a better one, or start a new business of your own.
  • How to become an “intrepreneur” or entrepreneur–pick one. (You must do one or the other if you wish to stay relevant these days.)

Click Image to Watch Video

These career changes are not hard but you must become laser-focused on the right strategies. If you are feeling stuck, undervalued, or desiring to make the shift from “player” to “player-coach” yourself, you will find this short video helpful AND challenging.  If you have any questions about your own career strategy, let’s talk!

Enjoy and Learn,

Dr. Bill




We know how America works.  We’ve given 2700 seminars to more than 500 organizations!  We help organizational teams maximize their human capital and eliminate incivility and conflict. How much better could your team be working? Let us help.




Whether you are looking to excel in your current field or rebrand yourself as a digital-savvy “solopreneur,” we’ve been there–for 27 years! Let us connect you to right resources, educational helps and contacts and shorten your learning curve!

Join Us for a Game-Changing Event!

Saturday, October 29, 2016 Half-Day Mastermind Retreat

7:30 a.m.-12 Noon.

Location: 7755 Center Avenue, Suite 1100, Huntington Beach, CA 92647


Registration and Information


Don’t wait for 2017 to arrive, there’s still time in 2016 to make significant progress on your goals!

Note: To allow for all participants to have focused attention, space is limited to five attendees.

This retreat will sell out rapidly due to its intimate and powerful setting.

What Exactly is a Mastermind Group? Dr. Bill explains in 84 Seconds.

Click Here for All the Details and to Register


Five Leadership Lessons from the Summer Olympics

16.08.16 Olympic Photo 2Confession: I have always loved watching the Olympic Games. This week I gave some serious thought to why these events have always inspired me. What I have discovered in thinking about the Olympics and Olympians is they present five challenges to each of us who wish to best lead ourselves and impact others:

Focus. American gold metal Olympian, Simone Biles, has been called the greatest female gymnast of all time. Certainly, her power and execution is extraordinary but what also sets her apart is her ability to tune out everything around her and deliver a consist performance every time. In contrast, a number of her competitors, who were the reigning champions going into the 2016 Olympics, have been less consist in Rio.

Robin Sharma, noted leadership coach and author, recently said: “Today, focus is more important than intelligence.” A keen ability to focus, to tune out the crowd around you, to stay on task in a world of distractions, will set you apart even from those smarter and more naturally gifted than you. Developing the ability to focus emotionally is a skill all champions possess. And, it is a skill that you can develop over time.

Excellence. Malcolm Gladwell in his bestseller, Outliers, popularized the “10,000-Hour Rule,” based on a study by Swedish psychologist, Anders Ericsson. Greatness, he explained, requires an enormous amount of practice, namely, pursuing a specific task 20 hours a week for 10 years-10,000 hours. Gladwell even argues that the early works of Mozart were not extraordinary but after years of practice they became so. This is encouraging!

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We’ve Moved (Up) to Serve You Better!

On July 1st, our Dyment & Associates offices moved to Huntington Beach.

Our new address is:

  • Dyment & Associates, Inc., 7755 Center Avenue, Suite 1100, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
  • Same office phone: 949.683.4997
  • Same emails:,

We can now offer our clients:

  • Free parking right next to our building
  • Inspiring ocean views from our 11th floor office
  • A state-of-the-art digital client experience
  • A stunning office environment right next to the shops at Bella Terra.


The Top Five Actions for Rapidly Becoming a Master Influencer in Your Profession or Organization, Part 3: Be a Valued Resource!

16.03.22 Last Master Influence Post part 3_edited-2

In this five-part series, we look at the actions needed to stand out in today’s crowded marketplace.

Action #3—Be a Valued Resource

I will never forget approaching an extraordinary artist and asking him to explain a bit of his technique. There was no one waiting and I had already purchased his art. I knew he wasn’t sensing that I was trying to steal his business, nor did I get the impression that he was especially shy or introverted. He just worked organically and, in a way, almost magically.  For him to put into words HOW he did what he did was well outside of his skill set.  He was not a teacher, a resource, or likely to ever become a mentor in his craft, even though he was immensely talented.

Similarly, you will find many such “artists” in the business world.  Others, who could effectively teach, are just too busy to pause from working on their projects to stop and share what they have learned with others in any deliberate way.  Yet, the need for such knowledge transfer is invaluable, never-ending.  This is where you come in!

Change in the workplace is moving at the speed of light. New systems, products and techniques are being developed daily that can greatly enhance our impact and productivity and need to be shared. If you are the one doing so, you can serve your profession profoundly, establish yourself as a thought leader, and make life-long friends, all at the same time.

Perhaps the biggest pushback to sharing a just-discovered resource or useful technique is that feeling we are not yet “good enough” to present our work or finding to others.  We may not believe we have achieved “pro status” in our market or organization. The irony is, this is precisely how one develops such credentials!

Consider the great coaches of professional sports.  Many of the very best coaches were not the best players.  What they have in common is not their former prowess on the ball field, but their ability to inspire, teach and coach.

While, of course, not everyone has the gifting to become an extraordinary teacher or coach,  all of us can use the power of becoming a valued resource to position ourselves prominently on the “radar” of our industry or organization, often without ever standing in front of anyone. Social media and email are the great, new, level playing fields where even introverts can thrive with consistent, strategic effort.  Here’s how…

How to become a powerful resource in six months:

  1. Document Everything You Learn. Did you stumble upon a time-saving technique, app, or resource today?  Have you just completed a big project at work? Save your article links, ah-ha’s, or project “lessons learned” in an app like Evernote so you don’t forget it. Then, commit to sharing your tip or list with at least one other person within the week.  Send them a LinkedIn message or email with your “FYI.” If it has been a while or you are close, you might even suggest to meeting up for coffee to share your finding.  Soon you will be in the habit of routinely sharing what you are learning in real time.  Do so consistently and in six months, people will begin to follow you online and reach out to you in other ways to see what you have to share next.

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You are invited! This Thursday, March 24th–Don’t Become The Walking Dead: Reboot Your Career In Six Months or Less–A Free Webinar

You can become a career zombie in no time at all.  Be a survivor!  Join us and learn all the latest strategies to reboot or refocus your career.

The Details:  Thursday, March 24th at 10:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. PST

Zombie Rising. A hand rising from the ground!

Note:  Space will be limited to 25 attendees to allow time for questions.

To register and for complete details: